About Me

What can I say? Since I tasted my first Pepero 빼빼로, snacked on Yangpa Rings 양파 링(Onion Rings) and fell in love with a 경상도 남자 *wink*, my fascination with Korean culture and language began. However, this blog is more about my fascination with Korean stuff and groceries. haha. 

I guess, I'm hoping that this blog might (1) help someone choose more wisely when they enter a Korean store and (2) let others know what I think about certain products and give them a chance to tell me about what they think too. Heck, I might even help other people who are trying to learn Hangul (practice reading those product labels! ^o^).

I'm no expert and neither am I paid to advertise these stuff, I just wanna type down my thoughts and put it out there. ♥